Meetings and Events

All EHS meetings are open to the public at no charge!

Upcoming  Meetings      

Wed. April 9, 2025 THE BICENTENNIAL OF LEATHERTOWN: Celebrating 200 years of History since Acton’s Settlement Be sure to join Scott Brooks of Vintage Acton as he takes you on a historical journey back in time to when the Adams Brothers settled the area of Acton in 1825. Historic photos of the past will accompany the presentation. A perfect way to celebrate and honour Acton’s Bicentennial. ACTON TOWN HALL CENTRE, 19 Willow Street, Acton, ON, 7:00 p.m.

Wed. May 14, 2025 HERITAGE HALTON HILLS Heritage Halton Hills has continued their designation work throughout Halton Hills. HHH members Mark Rowe and Ray Denny will provide updates on the several buildings designated in 2024. This topic has been carried forward from the February 12th snowstorm. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m. 

Wed. June 11, 2025 WALKING TOUR OF NORVAL Local historian, Cathy Gastle, will highlight the Lucy Maud Montgomery Garden For The Senses and the LMM Museum cottage as we wander through the village. NORVAL PARK, 477 Guelph Street, Norval, ON, 7:00 p.m.


Past Speakers and Events 

Wed. March. 12, 2025 RUN AND GET A QUART OF MILK If you have heard that before, you know about corner stores or the village shop. Join us for an interactive meeting about convenience stores throughout Esquesing over the years. The EHS photo collection will be use to prompt memories of Beckers, Mac’s Milk, Speyside store, Wheeler’s store, C.K. Browne’s, King Variety … The list goes on! Bring along any memorabilia you’d like to share. The Annual General Meeting precedes the presentation. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m. 

Wed. Jan. 8, 2025  TO MARKET VIA THE TAVERN Before the advent of rail, farmers had to team their wheat to Oakville harbour to get the best prices. The long lonely drive was brightened by a stop or two at taverns lining Trafalgar Road. Mark Rowe will travel Trafalgar Road and stop at every tavern on the way, regaling us with stories and tales. Hop on the wagon and enjoy the ride!  KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m.

Wed. Nov. 13, 2024  BATTLE OF VIMY RIDGE        The Battle of Vimy Ridge is perhaps one of the most important events in Canadian history. The cultural importance of the battle is known by most but how did the battle unfold and what effects did it have on the larger war? Charles Veale will explore these questions and will examine some of our local connections to the battle, including his visit to the grave of a Georgetown soldier at Vimy Ridge. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m.   

Wed. Oct. 9, 2024       GEORGETOWN RUNNERS       Anne Wilford, a member of this group has agreed to talk about the group formation and charitable activities.  KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m.

Wed. Sept. 11, 2024    BEAUMONT KNITTING MILLS                                               Samuel Penrice started working at the Beaumont Knitting Mills and later purchased it. His son, Doug Penrice, the last owner of the knitting operation, will share his family story connected to this iconic business.

Wed. June 12, 2024 BOSTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Charles Veale will share the very interesting history of Boston Presbyterian Church in this joint meeting with the Nassageweya Historical Society. Be sure to allow time to wander the old-world tombstones of the earliest settlers in Esquesing. BOSTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 9185 Third Line, Halton Hills, 7:00 p.m.

Mon. July 1, 2024    GLEN WILLIAMS WALKING TOUR                                               Kick  off Canada Day with a morning stroll through the village of Glen Williams with local historian Mark Rowe. The tour will conclude with plenty of time to secure a good spot to watch the noon parade through the village. 

Wed. July 10, 2024    GLEN WILLIAMS CEMETERY TOUR                                   Halton Hills Public Library is sponsoring a walking tour of the Glen cemetery, led by Mark Rowe. Be aware of the uneven ground as you walk towards the lookout!      There is a limited registration of approximately 15 people. All attendees must register through the program calendar ( as requested by the cemetery board in case of liability or cancellation due to an internment. Registration will open on May 31.  GLEN WILLIAMS CEMETERY,  23 Prince Street, Glen Williams, 7:00 p.m..

Wed. May 08, 2024 OUR HOUSE AND ALL THE PEOPLE THAT CALLED IT HOME Pam Dickinson has compiled a detailed history of her house from the Kennedy family to the Dickinsons. She will share anecdotes from her book about the research and sleuthing involved and about the families themselves! KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m. 

Wed. April 10, 2024 POSTAL HISTORY OF ESQUESING Nathan Hillier will draw on his collection and the EHS archives to share the postal history of Esquesing Township. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m.

Wed. March 13, 2024 CONFUSING LOCAL NAMES Have you been to Gamble’s Corners, McCullough’s Corner or Dublin? Local names, past and present, will be explored by the EHS. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m. 

Wed. Feb. 14, 2024    HERITAGE HALTON HILLS                                                          Prompted by provincial legislation, Heritage Halton Hills has had a busy year researching, writing reports and recommending historic designations to the Halton Hills Council.  HHH members, Ray Denny and Mark Rowe, will review the several new designated properties.  ……….ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING …………….. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m. 

Wed. Jan. 10, 2024  HALTON HILLS,  THE SUM OF ITS PARTS:                                                           50th  ANNIVERSARY OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS Although the Town of Halton Hills was formed 50 years ago, it was a marriage of disparate communities. Historian Mark Rowe will examine the several communities throughout the new municipality and how they responded to the growth and challenges of regional government.  The meeting will be preceded by a reception and words from the Mayor from 6:00 to 7:15.  All are invited to this free event but tickets (free) are required for this presentation and reception. JOHN ELLIOT THEATRE, 8 Church Street,  Georgetown, 7:30 p.m.  

Wed. Nov. 8, 2023     A HISTORY OF THE LORNE SCOTS REGIMENT                    The Lorne Scots (Peel, Dufferin and Halton regiment), the local militia (army reserves) regiment has served Canada and the local community since before Confederation. While its official birthday is September 1866, its history predates the War of 1812. A company of the regiment has been in Georgetown since 1863 and has included many residents who have served in war and peace. Charles Veale will present the history of the regiment starting with the 1793 Militia Act and continuing to the COVID-19 pandemic and will touch on a few more recent developments.  KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m. 

Sandy Mackenzie will be sure to share some tales about his family as the EHS provides a slide show of pictures from the Archives. No study of buildings in Acton and Georgetown can be complete without knowing about J.B. Mackenzie and family. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:00 p.m.                                   

Wed. Oct. 4, 2023     GEORGETOWN WALKING TOUR                                            Halton Hills Library is pleased to invite you to join local historian John Mark Rowe for an hour-long walking tour of downtown Georgetown.  Public Library Plaza, 8 Church St., Georgetown, 6 p.m.

Wed. Sept. 13, 2023     TORONTO SUBURBAN RAILWAY WALK                          Follow the route of the Radial railway through downtown Georgetown with local historian John Mark Rowe. History of the TSR and the neighbourhood it passed through, will be shared for all the enjoy!  Meet at the GEORGE KENNEDY MURAL on the side of The Carpet Barn,  Mill & Back Streets, Georgetown,  7:00 p.m.

Wed. July 1, 2023    GLEN WILLIAMS WALKING TOUR                                               Kick  off Canada Day with a morning stroll through the village of Glen Williams with local historian Mark Rowe. The tour will conclude with plenty of time to secure a good spot to watch the noon parade through the village.                                                                                      WILLIAMS MILL PARKING LOT,  515 Main Street, Glen Williams, 10:00 a.m.

Wed. June 14, 2023       GLEN WILLIAMS WALKING TOUR                                      Local historian, Mark Rowe, brings the society back to the Glen for an evening walking tour. Unlike earlier tours we will begin at the Beaumont Mill Antiques building. This walk will include climbing a hill so wear your runners!                                                    BEAUMONT  MILL ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES,  586 Main Street, Glen Williams,    6:30 p.m.

Wed. May 10, 2023       THE ARMS AND FLAGS OF ESQUESING AND        HALTON  HILLS: LOCAL, PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL                                     Heraldry and vexillology are two related disciplines that most people probably do not realize they come across every day.  However, the study of the coat of arms and flags often more directly links to the history of the local area than most people think. Charles Veale will take a look at the Arms and Flags of the local area at every level of government from the founding of Esquesing Township to the present day. We will also look at the badges of local organizations that are unique to the area.       “THE STUDIO,” HALTON HILLS CULTURAL CENTRE,  9 Church St., Georgetown,   7:00 p.m.

Wed. April 12, 2023       THE CORONATION                                                                           In preparation for the May 6th Coronation of our King and Queen, the EHS is preparing a presentation on Coronation activities in this area from the past.  We even have home movies of the Georgetown Coronation Parade.  Please join us and bring your Coronation Day memories. If you have film of an event, contact us to have it digitized and included in our presentation.          “THE STUDIO,” HALTON HILLS CULTURAL CENTRE,  9 Church St., Georgetown,   7:00 p.m.

Wed. Mar 8, 2023        THE STORY OF HUNGRY HOLLOW                                   Anyone who has lived in Georgetown has heard of Hungry Hollow. Where is Hungry Hollow? How did it get its name? Who named it? The answers to these questions may surprise you. Join local historian Mark Rowe as he leads us through the story of Hungry Hollow.           THE STUDIO,” HALTON HILLS CULTURAL CENTRE, 9 Church St.,  Georgetown,   7:00 p.m.

Wed. Feb. 8, 2023.     EATON FAMILY                                                                                 Dave Bartlett, who started bottle collecting in the 1970’s found one of the first sealer bottles he received was an Eaton’s Sealer Jar. This led him to learn and collect more information about Eaton’s Canada. During the early part of the 1900’s it was the lifeline for rural Canada to grow and develop. Dave has collected books and items of interest from Eaton’s and realized how important they were to the small towns across Canada. Dave joins us to share his presentation.                “THE STUDIO,” HALTON HILLS CULTURAL CENTRE,  9 Church St., Georgetown,   7:00 p.m.

Wed. Jan. 11, 2023     HERITAGE HALTON HILLS                                                        Since last January, Heritage Halton Hills has continued their designation work. Heritage Halton Hills members John Mark Rowe and Ray Denny will provide updates on the recently designated buildings in Halton Hills and discuss pending designations    “THE STUDIO,” HALTON HILLS CULTURAL CENTRE,  9 Church St., Georgetown,   7:00 p.m.

Wed. Nov. 9, 2022  THE TOWN OF GEORGETOWN                                                        The centenary of the Town of Georgetown  and the eve of Georgetown’s bi-centennial will be explored by local historian John Mark Rowe.   KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown,  7:30 p.m.

Wed. Oct. 12, 2022     TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT AND PROHIBITION                                                                                  IN HALTON COUNTY                                                            The evils of drink and prohibition victory of the Temperance movement in Halton County will be explored by local historian John McDonald. The benefits and consequences of this period will be examined.     KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:30 p.m.

Wed. Sept. 14, 2022     THE QUEEN OF WALKING TOURS                                        Queen Victoria, arriving at the Grand  Trunk Station, would have enjoyed this tour of the historic street named in her honour!  Join EHS historian John Mark Rowe as we explore the architecture and people that helped shape Queen Street since it was laid out in 1854.                    GEORGETOWN GO STATION parking lot, 55 Queen Street, Georgetown  7:00 P.M.

Fri. July 1, 2022     GLEN WILLIAMS WALKING TOUR – Canada Day celebrations return to the Glen this year. Join John Mark Rowe for a walking tour of Main Street, lasting just over an hour — you’ll be able to return to your favourite perch in time to watch the parade go by.      WILLIAMS MILL parking lot,  515 Main St., Glen Williams   10:00 A.M.

Wed. June 8, 2022     WALKING TOUR – PIONEER CEMETERY AND                                                                                                              PROSPECT PARK                                                 We will meet in the parking lot at the front of the Dufferin Centre at Prospect Park, 30 Park Avenue, Acton in  Acton. It is an early starting time.  –   7:00 PM

Wed. May 11, 2022   AMUSEMENT PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS IN HALTON       Perhaps Halton is not at the top of the list in people’s imaginations if the question is asked “Where might the local population find fun things to do with their leisure time?” But with a little reflection, a rather long list of sites that have offered some form of recreation can be developed. Not surprisingly, the type of recreation that has been offered has changed over the last nearly 180 years. Bill McIlveen will review the variety of activities that have been available to take our attention away from the  more mundane working-day life.                                                           KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:30 p.m.

Wed. April 13, 2022      HALTON COUNTY COURTHOUSE & GAOL                                 Sensational trials and public hangings put the Halton County courthouse and gaol in the spotlight. Lawyers, judges and clerks worked at the Milton Courthouse since it opened in 1855. What stories those walls can tell!  John McDonald will regale us with some tales at our spring meeting.                  Knox Presbyterian Church,  116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:30 p.m.

Wed. March 9, 2022      LIMEHOUSE HERITAGE                                                             Heritage Halton Hills members John Mark Rowe and Ray Denny will update members on the latest Heritage endeavours and will focus on heritage in Limehouse, especially recent designations.              KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:30 p.m.

Wed. February 9, 2022   ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                              This will be an in-person meeting at Knox Church at 7:30 p.m.?  Proof of vaccine and wearing a mask will be required. There will be a maximum 35 people. No refreshments will be served.  A microphone and speaker will be used to aid in hearing due to wearing a mask.

Wed. January 12, 2022        CANCELLED DUE TO COVID 19

Wed. November 10, 2021     RECENTLY POSTED LOCAL HISTORY                           The November newsletter will feature links to several on-line
presentations featuring local history. You may, of course, view these
items at your leisure or on our usual meeting date!                                                                            We will not meet in person. Your place! 

Wed. October 13, 2021    TRAINING HOMES FOR JUVENILES                                Local historian Mark Rowe will provide an introduction to the
philosophy of training homes for young people, that were established
in Georgetown.  Beginning with the unique experiment of bringing
Armenian refugees to Cedarvale, the talk will also explore the
Bernardo Boys,  Cedarvale School for Girls, Notre Dame de
Beauregard and the Canadian Jewish Farm School. Bring your lawn
chair, blanket and umbrella?? as we gather in the new Library Plaza.
A speaker system will be used.
9 Church Street at 6:30 p.m 

Wed. 8th September 2021    WALKING TOUR OF GEORGETOWN                           Join local historian Mark Rowe on a walking tour of downtown
Georgetown. We will gather in the new public square at the
Georgetown Library.  A speaker system will allow for greater
distancing between walkers.
GEORGETOWN LIBRARY,  9 Church Street, 7:00 p.m.

Wed. 11th March 2020   A SHADOW OF ITS FORMER SELF:                                                                         MONO MILLS IN THE 19TH CENTURY    Today Mono Mills is a small hamlet that barely garners the attention of those who pass through it. However, in the 19th century Mono Mills was a busy village that played and instrumental role in the settlement of the Headwaters Region. Kurt McMurray will trace the history of Mono Mills from its origins in 1819 to its decline in the 1890’s, stopping at all the colourful moments along the way.

Wed. 12th Feb. 2020   VINTAGE ACTON: THE CALENDAR COLLECTION Anne McIntyre will present slides and stories from a historical book published this year to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the naming of Acton. ‘Vintage Acton: the Calendar Collection’ was created on behalf of Heritage Acton drawing on the articles written for their annual historical calendar for the years 2003 to 2019.  Anne is looking forward to the sharing of stories from those who are able to attend.                                                             KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:30 p.m.

Catherine McLeod, Senior Arts and Culture Specialist with the Town of Halton Hills will present the Town’s new self-guided tour program ‘Discover the Hills’. Pilot tours of Glen Williams and Acton will be presented for discussion and input.
KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:30 p.m.

Several members of the executive of the EHS will explore events that affected the people of Esquesing over the past 200 years of our history. The plank roads, 1837 Rebellion, Coming of the Railways, WWI, WWII and Regional Government are examples of events to be discussed.
KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 116 Main St., S., Georgetown, 7:30 p.m.

Ray Denny will continue the 200th anniversary celebration by exploring the settlements of the Township from Crewson’s Corners to Whaley’s Corners! What commodity did each community contribute to the economy of the Township?
ACTON TOWN HALL, 19 Willow Street, North, Acton, 7:30 p.m.

John Mark Rowe begins the celebration of 200 years of settlement by exploring the pre-history, survey and first years of settlement in Esquesing township with a short walk and slide show in the cradle of Esquesing’s history.
ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH, 10996 Trafalgar Road, Stewarttown, 7 pm